Can anyone tell me the most BASIC, and watered down rundown of string theory? Pretend you’re telling a random off the street that doesn’t know anything past 11th grade physics.
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 1015 views

Six automobiles are initially traveling at the indicated velocities. The automobiles have different masses and velocities. The drivers step on the brakes and all automobiles are brought to rest. A) Rank these automobiles based on their momentum before the brakes are ...
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 8331 views

A 6.0-cm-diameter horizontal pipe gradually narrows to 4.5 cm. When water flows through this pipe at a certain rate, the gauge pressure in these two sections is 33.5 kPa and 22.6 kPa, respectively.What is the volume rate of flow?
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 7143 views

Four children are playing in a field. The children form a line, holding hands. The player at the front of the line starts to spin around faster and faster, causing the others to run in circle, as shown in the ...
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 4058 views

Learning Goal: To make the connection between intuitive understanding of a seesaw and the standard formalism for torque. This problem deals with the concept of torque, the “twist” that an off-center force applies to a body that tends to make it rotate.
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 3989 views

Learning Goal: To understand and use inverse-square relationships. Two quantities have an inverse-square relationship if y is inversely proportional to the square of x. We write the mathematical relationship as y = A/x2. Here, A is a constant. This relationship is sometimes written as 
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 3898 views

A rocket generates a net force (F) of 2,050,000 newtons, and the rocket’s mass (m) is 40,000 kilograms. Use the formula F = ma to find the acceleration (a) achieved. A. 51.25 meters/second^2 B. 51.125 meters/second^2 C. 42.25 meters/second^2
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 3432 views