
My Professor uses Mastering Physics to do our online quizzes, homework’s, and pre-lab. Its basically a big chunk of our grade and she happens to use some of the questions on the tests as well. Well…that is good and all but the main consensus have said that Mastering Physics is “the” program from hell. Believe me; I have had people in my class who scored under a 10 percent on their MP quizzes. The thing I hate about this program is that when you get the problem wrong, you get it wrong with no explanation. The program doesn’t give you the the method of how to get to the right answer after you got the problem wrong, not even a hint. I always hated their rounding system. I was off buy .001 decimal places at one point and they marked me wrong. Sometimes they want two decimal places as opposed to three. sigh…I always dreaded the terrible :

“All attempts have been used”

or even the more suspenseful, :

“1 attempt remaining.”


If you are totally clueless on a problem and the book doesn’t help, then you would probably then turn to the internet. Googling does help tremendously in many aspects. It would usually lead me to two sites, cramster and yahoo answers. The funny thing is that there are many versions of the problem floating around in the data cloud and the hard part is choosing the right one. A yahoo answer page might have the “thumbs up” but when I actually followed their method, I would get the problem wrong. ARGHH! “what did I do wrong?” Nothing…the explanation and solution was incorrect. Also, there are a lot of problems out there where there are no solutions found online which leads you to the inevitable zero…


One might say that you just have to use your logic to solve these problems. Well, my logic doesn’t usually prevail. With that in mind, for all the problems that I could not find online, there was no way out. Some say that I’m lazy and give up to easily, but I disagree, I am merely a survivor trying to give a light to a certain situation. With all of these solutions are out there anyways, I’m just trying to make a community dedicated to it for generations of students to come.


You probably wandered here from a search engine such as google looking for some help on that Mastering Physics. There are various sites out there like yahoo answers or cramster with solutions, but through my experiences, some of the solutions that I’ve found online were actually incorrect. Its basically playing Russian Roulette with your grades.

To the best of my ability, I gathered a bunch of Mastering Physics problems that I have encountered and made solutions for it. What I am hoping to achieve is create a portal for those who strive to suceed in Mastering Physics.

This site is ideal for the following:

  1. Studying for tests
  2. Stumped? Look for Solutions
  3. Ask for help from the community
  4. Learn About physics

I find that a directory such as this excels at being a study guide for tests due the solutions given. Looking at these problems for each chapter is something that might give you the extra push to get a good grade. Anyone who wants to contribute send me a pm.

I am currently gathering more and more problems and solutions in order to help me grasp the subject better. You can say its just another average personal site that I decided to make it public. This site is open to everybody in order to help them in go through the hardships that I did. There are plenty of other sites out there where people just post their whole quiz. The thing is that its not really organized or its in a big jpeg file where you can barely read the print. I’ve been there trying to find answers using a magnifying glass on the computer screen. So I just decided on a more methodical and organized way of putting it it together. Rather than looking all over the internet for solutions and help. We can all do it in one area.


6 responses to “About”

  1. Sam Harris Avatar
    Sam Harris

    Thank you sooo much for creating this site! I am currently having the same issues you’ve listed above, and I can’t tell you how grateful i am to have found this website. It’s a HUGE help!

  2. Admin Avatar

    Wish I can find more ways to help. If you want to contribute, let me know, we can grow knowledge. Tell your friends! 🙂

  3. Kyle Avatar

    I love you.

  4. Chris Avatar

    I think I love you too

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