How many calories are necessary to change 250 g of ice to water at 20 degree Celsius?


How many calories are necessary to change 250 g of ice to water at 20 degree Celsius?

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General Physics RvTDLR 7 years 1 Answer 1015 views 0

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Answer ( 1 )

  1. To solve this problem, I will assume the temperature of the ice is 0˚. The ice must be melted. Then the temperature of the water must increase from 0˚ to 20˚. Since the unit of energy is calories, the heat of fusion is 80 calories per gram. The specific heat is 1 cal/(g * ˚C).

    Q1 = 250 * 80 = 20,000 calories
    Q2 = 250 * 1 * 20 = 5.000 calories
    Total = 25,000 calories

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