Linear and Rotational Quantities Conceptual Question


A merry-go-round is rotating at constant angular speed. Two children are riding the merry-go-round: Alan is riding at point A and Isamu is riding at point B.


A) Which child moves with greater magnitude of velocity?


B) Who moves with greater magnitude of angular velocity?

C) Who moves with greater magnitude of tangential acceleration?

D) Who has the greater magnitude of centripetal acceleration?

E) Who moves with greater magnitude of angular acceleration?


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General Physics PRemastered 7 years 1 Answer 2831 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. A) Which child moves with greater magnitude of velocity?

    => Isamu has the greater magnitude of velocity.

    B) Who moves with greater magnitude of angular velocity?

    => Both Alan and Isamu have the same magnitude of angular velocity.

    C) Who moves with greater magnitude of tangential acceleration?

    => Both Alan and Isamu have the same magnitude of tangential acceleration.

    D) Who has the greater magnitude of centripetal acceleration?

    => Isamu has the greater magnitude of centripetal acceleration.

    E) Who moves with greater magnitude of angular acceleration?

    => Both Alan and Isamu have the same magnitude of angular acceleration.

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