I have been thinking about gravity and magnetic force, and seeing that these two forces have a field, does their field ever finish. For example, the Earth’s gravity field weakens the further you go from the Earth, but ...
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 910 views

Shouldn’t they stop with time? I mean go ahead and shake a bottle of water, it will shake and it will eventually stop, unless you shake it again. What makes the sea water move so much? Why doesn’t ...
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 2400 views

Learning Goal: To understand and apply the formula τ =Iɑ to rigid objects rotating about a fixed axis. To find the acceleration ɑ of a particle of mass m, we use Newton’s second law: , where 
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 8781 views

Six roller-coaster carts pass over the same semicircular “bump.” The mass M of each cart (including passenger) and the normal force n of the track on the cart at the top of each bump are given in the figures. Rank the speeds of ...
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 1805 views

Four children are playing in a field. The children form a line, holding hands. The player at the front of the line starts to spin around faster and faster, causing the others to run in circle, as shown in the ...
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 4059 views

Learning Goal: To make the connection between intuitive understanding of a seesaw and the standard formalism for torque. This problem deals with the concept of torque, the “twist” that an off-center force applies to a body that tends to make it rotate.
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 3992 views

Learning Goal: To understand and use inverse-square relationships. Two quantities have an inverse-square relationship if y is inversely proportional to the square of x. We write the mathematical relationship as y = A/x2. Here, A is a constant. This relationship is sometimes written as 
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 3900 views

A rocket generates a net force (F) of 2,050,000 newtons, and the rocket’s mass (m) is 40,000 kilograms. Use the formula F = ma to find the acceleration (a) achieved. A. 51.25 meters/second^2 B. 51.125 meters/second^2 C. 42.25 meters/second^2
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 3441 views