Four children are playing in a field. The children form a line, holding hands. The player at the front of the line starts to spin around faster and faster, causing the others to run in circle, as shown in the ...
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 4059 views

The question goes like this: A ball is thrown straight up. At 12m, the ball reaches a velocity of 15m/s. What is the time it takes for the ball to go from the top of its path, ...
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 1044 views

A) A small car of mass m and a large car of mass 4m drive along a highway. They approach a curve of radius R. To not slip, both cars need to maintain a net force of F as they travel around the curve. ...
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 1434 views

A rock of mass 2 kg is lifted straight up by a 40 N vertical, applied force. What is the magnitude of the rock’s acceleration? All answers are in ms-2. For this question, use g = 10 ms-2.
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 1185 views

The figure below shows two blocks suspended by a cord over a pulley. The mass of block B is twice the mass of block A, while the mass of the pulley is equal to the mass of block A. The ...
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General Physics 7 years 1 Answer 4355 views