A man is laying on a board elevated by a support at the tip of the head of the board and by a scale at the foot of the board.


A man is laying on a board elevated by a support at the tip of the head of the board and by a scale at the foot of the board. 
What would happen if a support is placed exactly at x = 79 cm (which is the center of gravity) followed by the removal of the supports at the subject’s head and feet? (Assume the board is removed along with the supports. Select all that apply.)

A)The subject’s center of gravity would shift toward his head. 
B)The subject’s head would sink toward the ground. 
C)The subject’s feet would sink toward the ground. 
D)The subject’s center of gravity would not shift. 
E)The subject’s center of gravity would shift toward his feet. 
F)The subject would remain balanced.

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General Physics PRemastered 7 years 1 Answer 1835 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Since you are removing the board, the subject is not ridged. Thus, his body will flex roughly into a curve over the balance point. If there was enough room for that curve he would remain balanced >

    B, C, D, F are all still true

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