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Tangential Velocity

To throw the discus, the thrower holds it with a fully outstretched arm. Starting from rest, he begins to turn with a constant angular acceleration, releasing the discus after making one complete revolution. The diameer of the circle in which the discus moves is about 1.7m


If the thrower takes 1.0s to complete one revolution, starting from rest, what will be the speed of the discus at release?

1 rev = 6.283 radians

6.283/(1sec/2) = (u + v) = 12.566

u = 0

v = 12.566 rad/s

tangential velocity = rad/s x radius

radius = 1.7/2 = 0.85 m

12.566 x 0.85 = 10.68 m/s

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