What is the Average Velocity of the Ball?


A tennis ball with a velocity of 11.4 m/s to the right is thrown perpendicularly at a wall. After striking the wall, the ball rebounds in the opposite direction with a velocity of -10.1 m/s to the left. If the ball is in contact with the wall for 0.011 seconds, what is the average velocity of the ball while it is in contact with the wall? Answer in units of m/s2.

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General Physics PRemastered 7 years 1 Answer 1475 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Vf = Vi + at
    Vf = final velocity = -10.1 m/s
    Vi = initial velocity = 11.4 m/s
    a = acceleration = ?
    t = time = 0.011 s
    -10.1 = 11.4 + 0.011a
    a = -1954.5 m/s²

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