Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Gravitational Force

    What is the gravitational force of the sun on the earth? What is the gravitational force of the moon on the earth? The moon’s force is what percent of the sun’s force? F = G m₁m₂/r² G = 6.67 x 10-11m³/kgs² What is the gravitational force of the sun on the earth? F = 6.67e-11…

  • What is the Angular Displacement and Velocity?

    What is the angular displacement of the wheel between t=5 s and t=15 s?  What is the angular velocity of the wheel at 15 s? Judging from the graph, t = 5 s is 100 rad t = 15 s is 125 rad Angular Displacement = 125 – 100 ( vector quantity) Considering, Clockwise 50 and…

  • Magnitude and Direction of Tension

    The three ropes in the figure are tied to a small, very lightring. Two of these ropes are anchored to walls at right angles withthe tensions shown in the figure. What is the magnitude of the tension T3 in the third rope? T3 = √(T12 +T22) = 94.3 n T3 = 94 N What is the direction of…

  • What is the Tension?

    A cable is used to raise a 21 kg urn from an underwater archeological site. There is a 22 N drag force from the water as the urn is raised at a constant speed. What is the tension of the cable? Newton’s Second Law: the sum of the forces on an object in a given direction…

  • New Force

    The figure shows two forces acting on an object at rest. Redraw the diagram, then add a third force that will cause the object to remain at rest. Label the new force F3.  

  • Involved Forces

    A  circus clown hangs from one end of a large spring. The other end is anchored to the ceiling.   Identify the forces on the clown.   => Weight and Tension

  • Identify Forces that Apply

    A mountain climber is hanging from a rope in the middle of a crevasse. The rope is vertical.   Identify the forces on the mountain climber.   => Weight and Tension

  • Largest and Smallest Mass

    A constant force applied to object A causes it to accelerate at 6 m/s2. The same force applied to object B causes an acceleration of 3 m/s2. Applied to object C, it causes an acceleration of 8 m/s2.   Which object has the largest mass? B   Which object has the smallest mass? C   What is the ratio of…

  • What is the Magnitude of Net Force?

    A 1700 kg car is traveling along a straight road at 19 m/s. Two seconds later its speed is 23 m/s. What is the magnitude of the net force acting on the car during this time?   23-19 = 4 This means that after 2 seconds it is 4m/s faster. After 1 second it would…

  • Identify all Forces

    Your physics textbook is sliding to the right across the table. Identify all forces acting on the object and draw a free-body diagram

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