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Playing in the Field

Four children are playing in a field. The children form a line, holding hands. The player at the front of the line starts to spin around faster and faster, causing the others to run in circle, as shown in the figure.

A) While the line of children is rotating, which of the following statements are correct?

=> The player at the front of the line has the smallest linear velocity.

All the children have the same angular acceleration.

B) Now consider the children’s linear accelerations. Which of the following statements are correct?

=> The last child in the line has the greatest tangential acceleration.

The last child in the line has the greatest radial acceleration.

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Comment ( 1 )

  1. [url=]2008年8月、時計世界も注目して同じテーマである北京オリンピック。も中国オリジナル、また外国ブランド時計、違いを通じてそれぞれ特色の設計、演繹ひとつひとつの記録オリンピック時間の顔。[/url]

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