Why is it when we ride in a car with the windows opened the air hits us?


I feel like it’s somewhat related to the Bernoulli’s Principle

“an increase in the velocity of a stream of fluid results in a decrease in pressure”

So my theory is that a car that moves with a high velocity will have a lower pressure (probably around it). If a window of the car is opened the higher atmospheric pressure outside will push the air into the car.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while now..perhaps someone knows the answer to this? Thanks!

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General Physics RvTDLR 7 years 1 Answer 876 views 0

About RvTDLR

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Air must both get into and get out of the car otherwise it would pressurize.
    So the air forms eddy currents.
    I notice that if there is a fly near the front of the window it gets sucked out. If it flies near the rear of the window it gets blown in. What you feel is air MOVEMENT. No matter which way the air is moving.

    Now although you could apply Bernoulli you can also consider it in a different way. Outside the window the air is moving from the front to the rear.
    Due to friction that will induce movement inside the car in the same direction.
    Hence air would flow along to the rear of the car, across that, up the far side of the car, then across the windscreen and back to the front of the window.
    Air then leaves the front of the window and enters at the rear of the window.

    There is more to it than this but this is a good start to understanding the air flow within the car.

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