Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Displacement

    A car travels along a straight east-west road. A coordinate system is established on the road, with x  increasing to the east. The car ends up 12 mi   west of the intersection with Mulberry Road. First and foremost, we need to know the displacement equation.   If its displacement was -27 mi , how far from…

  • What is the Velocity?

    A dog trots from -19 m   to 7.0 m   in 11 s. What is its velocity? Given variables: x1= -19 m x2= 7 m t = 11 s The equation for velocity is x2 – x1 / t 7 – (-19) / 11 7 + 19 = 26 26/ 11= 2.4 m/s

  • What is the Position Relative to the Origin?

    The figure below shows Sue somewhere between her home and the cinema. What is Sue’s position x  if her home is the origin? Keep in mind, left is negative and right is positive. x = 2 What is Sue’s position x  if the cinemea is the origin? x = -3

  • What is the speed?

    A security guard walks 110 m in one trip around the perimeter of the building. It takes him 260 s make this trip. What is his speed? The guard walked 110 meters in 260 seconds. To find the speed in m/s you have to divide the total distance by the total time. speed = 110m /…

  • Unit Conversions and Significant Figures.

    Convert the following to SI units: Known: 1 min = 60 s 1 hour = 60 min 1 day = 60 min 1 year = 365 days a)Express your answer using two significant figures 1.0 hour   =3600 s (60 x 60) 1.0 day  = 86400 s (60 x 60 x 24) 1.0  year  =…

  • How far are you from the Starting Point?

    A city has streets laid out in a square grid, with each block 135 m long. If you drive north for three blocks, then west for two blocks, how far are you from your starting point?   Now use the Pythagorean theorem. A2 + B2 = C2. (405)2 + (270)2 = C2 √236,925 = √C2…

  • Magnitude of Displacement

    A garden has a circular path of radius 50 m. John starts at the easternmost point on this path, then walks counterclockwise around the path until he is at its southernmost point. What is the magnitude of John’s displacement? 50² + 50² = x² 2500 + 2500 = x² x = 70.74   What is…

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